Why Add a Mixer to Your DJ Setup


Why add a Mixer to your Mobile DJ set-up? There are several reasons for adding a mixer to your Mobile DJ set-up. In a simple word, “Control.” Depending on the GIG, you may require additional audio feeds. Including PA Mic, run feed to another part of the venue, always a line to the videographer is requested. 

A DJ mixer is an audio mixing and control of multiple audio signals is the function of the DJ controller. Ultimately, the mixer seamlessly transitions from one song to another while playing tunes at a nightclub. Hip-Hop DJs and turntablists use the DJ mixer to play tunes like an instrument, thereby creating a varied feel to the music. DJs playing disco, house music, electronic dance music, and other dance-oriented genres use their DJ controller to transition between different sound recordings as they are playing. The sources are typically record turntables, compact cassettes, CDJs, or DJ software on a laptop. DJ mixers allow the DJ to use headphones to preview the next song before playing it to the audience. Most low- to mid-priced DJ mixers can only accommodate A controller, two turntables, or CD players. Still, some mixers (such as those used in more prominent nightclubs) can accommodate up to four turntables or CD players. DJs and turntablists in hip-hop music and nu-metal use DJ mixers to create beats, loops, and so-called scratching sound effects. 

Source: Wikipedia

As your business grows, it can expand without changing everything. You can upgrade your speakers without changing your controller. You add talkback to your system. More on that later. Adding a second DJ to the mix is a breeze. There are several brands of 8 and 12-channel mixers that are inexpensive. 

Equalize The Room

Every venue, every room, and every situation is different. Having more control over the output of your sound, the more you appear like a professional. To EQ the room – You’re playing a set in a club, and they don’t have their DJ gear. If they have a PA system, you will most likely need to have 1/4 inch or XLR cables to do so. But the venue’s speakers are of poor quality and not satisfactory – they sound tinny with minimal bass. You try with your controller EQs set to compensate, right? That’s not optimal. Better EQ on a live mixer to sort this out than on your controller. You can then select the EQs to zero, using them creatively.

Increase the Number of Outputs

Splitting your controller’s output: It isn’t easy to cover the location if your controller only has one line output. For example, you want to have booth monitors and the main speakers for the dance floor or to record your set with other DJs, musicians, etc., or run a cable off to someone else who may be live-streaming any event. Using a small live mixer immediately solves that as it is very likely to have at least two sets of outputs. I use a basic two-channel, four-deck controller with one RCA output connected to an external mixer. For what I do as a Mobile DJ, that works fine.

The venue you are working in needs to connect a guitar, a piano, or another instrument. You don’t want that line running through your controller. That’s an excellent way to need a new controller because you just fried yours. 

Record and Live-stream 

If you do a conference, chances are they will want a copy of the presentation or teaching that happens. Recording the event is an excellent way to increase your revenue stream without a lot of additional costs to use. You can charge anywhere from $500.00 to $1,500.00 for a basic Live-stream and the same for recording the program. Use another computer going to a digital mixer. (i.e., one with an audio interface built-in that has a USB plug-in on the back side to plug into a computer as well as analog outputs), and you can plug directly into a computer that isn’t your DJ computer to record or live stream. There is no need to own a separate audio interface – get a live mixer with one built-in.

Add Multiple Microphones

Use it to plug in multiple microphones properly. Many DJ controllers are limited to no more than one microphone. The controller may not have EQ, often won’t have reverb (good when working with a singer), and definitely won’t have phantom power for a microphone that needs. DJ controllers do not have the best mic inputs (not always, but often). Having a live mixer solves that problem, letting you plug your mics in somewhere you get that control back. When DJing, you will come across many types of requests. Sometimes a quest will want to sing to a song through your system. General announcements and PA for the host are all likely to happen. When they do, you need to be ready for them. You will have different types of microphones for other tasks. Having a mixer, you can accommodate most requests with ease.

I would get a mic that can handle the rigors of performing at various locations indoors and out.


An additional mixer would be one of the first things to my system if I didn’t already have one. If you market it correctly, it will allow for a great deal of flexibility and is an additional revenue generator. Having flexibility will also help you with performance reviews to feel how your mix is doing in real-time. I know this is one more thing that adds to the system’s complexity, but I think it’s invaluable for businesses to grow.

Adding a mixer will also allow you to reach additional areas with an audio feed or get another audio feed. However, it will increase the likelihood of being asked to do more GIGs because you can accommodate more complex requests.

Sounding a little cheezy, but “Be Prepared for Everything.” People and customers at the venue will come to you for solutions that arise during your GIG. The more prepared you are, the more significant number of outstanding reviews and referrals you’ll be getting.

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